DHL - Global leader in the logistics industry

Employer Brand
Job Advertising
"We had been struggling to fill over 20 vacancies in our Graduate scheme & Socially Recruited filled each one!"

Recruitment Co-ordinator

The challenge

DHL is the global leader in the logistics industry with over 590,000 employees and delivering over 1.8 billion parcels per year. Not to mention a client of Socially Recruited for many years. DHL had been struggling to fill over 20 vacancies for their Graduate scheme and had been posting adverts on job boards, local newspapers and trade press without success. In addition, their application process was difficult to complete especially on a mobile device or tablet.

The solution

DHL were able to use a micro-site within the Socially Recruited platform to make the application process for candidates much easier. This combined with powerful multi-touch, cross channel advertisements, targeted specifically at graduates, proved to be a successful approach.

The results

By using our AI platform across social media and search engines we achieved, in addition to extensive employer brand awareness, 52 quality applications and they successfully filled each one of their vacancies by using our platform.

121,794 candidate impressions > 1,116 candidate clicks > 52 quality applications > 20 hires!

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